Thursday, 11 June 2015

Century Wise Islamic History

6th century
545: Birth of Abdullah, the Holy Prophet's father.
571: Birth of the Holy Prophet. Year of the Elephant. Invasion of Makkah by Abraha the Viceroy of Yemen, his retreat.

7th century
605: The Holy Prophet arbitrates in a dispute among the Quraish about the placing of the Black Stone in the Kaaba. 610: The first revelation in the cave at Mt. Hira. The Holy Prophet is commissioned as the Messenger of God. 613: Declaration at Mt. Sara inviting the general public to Islam.

8th century
700: Campaigns against the Berbers in North Africa. 702: Ashath's rebellion in Iraq, battle of Deir ul Jamira. 705: Death of Abdul Malik. Accession of Walid I as Caliph.

9th century
 800: The Aghlabid rule is established in North Africa. 803: Downfall of the Barmakids. Execution of Jafar Barmki. 805: Campaigns against the Byzantines. Capture of the islands of Rhodes and Cypress. 809: Death of Harun ur Rashid. Accession of Amin.

10th century
902: Death of the Abbasid Caliph Muktafi; death of the Saffarid ruler Amr.
903: Assassination of the Qarmatian ruler Abu Said; accession of Abu Tahir.
905: Abdullah b Hamdan founds the Hamdanid rule in Mosul and Jazira. End of the Tulunid rule in Egypt.

11th century
1001: Mahmud Ghazanavi defeats the Hindu Shahis.
1004: Mahmud captures Bhatiya. 1005: Mahmud captures Multan and Ghur.
1008: Mahmud defeats the Rajput confederacy.

12th century
1101: Death or the Fatimid Caliph Al Mustaali, accession of Al Aamir.
1105: Death of the Seljuk Sultan Barkiaruk, accession Of Muhammad.1106: Death of the AI Motavid Yusuf b Tashfin.

13th century
1202: Death of the Ghurid Sultan Ghias ud Din; accession of Mahmud.
1204: Shahab ud Din Ghuri defeated by the Ghuzz Turks.1206: Death of Shahab ud Din Ghuri. Qutb ud Din Aibik crowned king in Lahore.

14th century
1301: In Bengal, Death of Ruknuddin the king of Bengal, succeeded by
brother Shamsuddin Firuz.302: In Granada, Death of Muhammad II; succession of Muhammad III.

15th century
1400: In the Burji Mamluks empire, The Mamluks lost Syria which was occupied by Amir Timur.1401: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Timur Qutluq, the ruler, installed by Amir Timur. accession of Shadi Beg.

16th century  1
500: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Zahir Kanauh overthrown by Ashraf Gan Balat.1501: Isamil I establishes the Safavid dynasty in Persia, and the Twelve-Imam Shi'ism becomes the state religion.

17th century
1600: Sind annexed by the Mughals. End of the Arghun rule in Sind.
1601: Khandesh annexed by the Mughals.1603: Battle of Urmiyah. Turks suffer defeat. Persia occupies Tabriz, Mesopotamia. Mosul and Diyarbekr. Death of Muhammad III, Sultan of Turkey, accession of Ahmad I. In Morocco al Shaikh died.

18th century
1700: Murshid Quli Khan declares the independence of Bengal and establishes his capital at Murshidabad.1703: Ahmad 11I becomes the Ottoman Sultan. Birth of Shah Wali Ullah. Birth of the religious reformer Muhammad b Abdul Wahab.

19th century
1803: Shah Abdul Aziz ibn Saud assassinated by a Shia fanatic. Shah Shuja proclaimed as King of Afghanistan.1805: Ibn Saud captured Madinah defeating the Turk garrison.

20th century
1901: Ibn Saud (Abd al-Aziz) captures Riyad.1901: French forces occupy Morocco.1904: Morocco becomes a French protectorate under the Conference of Algeciras.1904: The Presian constitution is promoted.
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